Outdoor Marijuana Water & Feeding Secrets (Candyland Pt 3)


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When it comes to outdoor marijuana growing, your watering & feeding schedule is critically important. BigMike and the guys from Ken Estes’ Grand Daddy Farms break it all down for you in this segment covering:

* What PPM they use from day 1 for watering marijuana

* The exact feeding & watering schedule they use (it’s a 3-day cycle you’ll want to pay close attention to)

* How to avoid over watering marijuana plants with something called “dry days” (ignoring this is a common rookie mistake!)

* How they decide to stop pinching

* The exact method they use to determine when to increase PPM while watering (and how much water they use from the time they plant all the way to harvest)

* Why Advanced Nutrients help you avoid marijuana iron deficiency, nitrogen deficiency, potassium deficiency, and more.

* The dead simple formula that tells you EXACTLY how much water to use based on the size pots you’re growing in.

It’s pretty simple to understand that feeding and watering are absolutely CRITICAL to growing outdoor plants from seed to harvest. This video will give you a crash-course in everything you need to know. Subscribe to our channel now to make sure you don’t miss the last video in this series, part 4!


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