04: CBD:THC Ratios, How to NOT get High with Cannabis


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We had one video on hemp CBD, and one on finding your minimum effective dose of THC…but if we’re really trying to use cannabis as medicine, then we want to use both THC and CBD together — and the ratio in which we use them will ultimately impact how “high” we feel.

In this video, Kristen from Hempsley covers:

00:18 What is the entourage effect?
00:54 Differences between THC and CBD
01:13 What happens when THC and CBD are used together?
01:54 What to look for when shopping
02:11 The 3 cannabinoid profile categories
02:42 Typical CBD:THC ratios
03:10 Getting started: choosing a ratio
04:02 Already experienced with THC? Try this
04:36 Tips and tricks
04:45 Where to learn more

Have a question for us? Drop it in the comments below or send us an email at hello@hempsley.com, then follow along to watch us explore all kinds of ways to use cannabis as medicine!

Visit https://hempsley.com/learn/how-to-not-get-high-with-cannabis for more about this collaboration.

Hempsley: An educational resource and certified-CBD shop empowering you to feel better, shop smarter, and choose the wellness tools that are going to work for you & your loved ones.

If you liked this video, we’ve got more in the works so please subscribe to our channel!

Feel State: A dispensary brand helping better connect individuals to themselves, each other, and their communities through the use of cannabis.

Find trusted and nationally available CBD products on our website, just search “Hempsley” to shop with us.

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