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Dr. Gordon Jones, an Oregon Extensionist who works with hemp growers, provides a good overview of hemp to start this video conference. Then, three farmers discuss their experiences with hemp production and some of the challenges they’ve encountered. The farmers note the great potential of hemp, as well as the great need for more information about appropriate cultivars, production parameters (e.g. how much N a crop requires, spacing of seeds/transplants, drying options, processing options, etc). Also noted are the stringent regulations that are likely holding back more farmers from planting hemp. These regulations include unrealistic harvest windows (two weeks in California, 28 days in Oregon), THC levels, lack of guidance from FDA/USDA about hemp as a forage crop for beef and dairy, and pest management options.
Loc Phan, the California Department of Food and Agriculture representative, discusses the permitting process for farmers to grow hemp and the rules and regulations surrounding hemp production in California. NCAT’s Jeff Schahczenski discusses crop insurance and revenue insurance options.
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