Hemp Oil vs Olive Oil | Health Benefits


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Hemp Oil vs Olive Oil:

1. EFA Ratio

Olive Oil is mostly monounsaturated fat (high in Omega 9), whereas Hemp oil has a more balanced essential fatty acid ratio of Omega 6 to 3, being a 3:1 ratio. Hemp also has 40% less saturated fat than olive oil.

2. Skin Health

Olive oil used externally can be soothing and hydrating for the skin. Hemp oil can be beneficial in relieving dermatitis, eczema and swelling, as it has anti-inflammatory properties, which also makes it beneficial for ingesting, as it relieves arthritis and other inflammation-related issues for joints.

3. Amino Acids

Hemp oil has all of the essential amino acids.

4. GLA

This omega 6 fatty acid relieves inflammation and improves vascular tone. It benefits cardiovascular, psychiatric, and immunological disorders.

4. Vitamin E

100 g of hemp oil contains 150 mg of Vit E, which is approximately one’s recommended daily intake. An equal-sized serving of olive oil only contains 1.94 mg of vitamin E.

5. SDA

Stearidonic acid is an omega 3 than when consumed by humans, converts almost entirely into EPA. While fish oil is a common supplement to obtain EPA, it can come with complications, as many fish sources contain mercury. When humans take SDA, the blood content of EPA doubles. EPA is important in fighting cardiovascular disease.

7. Cooking

Neither oil is an ideal candidate for high-temperature cooking, but olive oil slightly edges out hemp here, with a slightly higher smoke point. It is recommended to use coconut oil or avocado oil for frying at high temperatures.

Why eat hemp?

1. Complete Protein
Hemp contains all 9 essential amino acids, which can be a challenge to find in plant-based foods. There are a whopping 10 grams of protein in 3 Tbsp of hemp seeds, which makes it a great food choice to ensure you get adequate protein in your diet.

2. Versatility
Hemp can be used in so many different forms, in so many different recipes. From smoothies, to baking, cereals, snacks, salads and more, there isn’t much you can’t include it in. Planet Hemp makes different types of hemp protein powder, plus the seeds and hemp oil, for all your hemp needs!

3. Neutral Flavour
With it’s slightly nutty, but fairly neutral flavour, you can be confident that regardless of what recipe you add hemp to, it’s not going to overpower your recipe.

4. High in Iron & Magnesium
A serving of Hemp Seeds contains 70% of the daily required value of magnesium, and 30 % of iron. Magnesium is important in literally thousands of functions throughout the body, including muscle relaxation. Those with low iron levels should consider consuming hemp daily.

5. Sustainability
Hemp is a pretty tough plant, and is quite resistant to pests. Why is this important? It means the crop doesn’t need to be genetically modified, and doesn’t need to be sprayed with chemicals, making it a clean and sustainable crop to grow.

Find hemp oil and other hemp products here: http://planethemp.ca

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