Medical Marijuana and CBD Expanding Acceptance and Use by Physicians


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Presented By: Anu Anand

Speaker Biography: Dr. Anu Anand is a board certified specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (“PM&R”). Dr. Anand practices in Pittsburgh in her own private practice managing patients in skilled nursing facilities and acute care settings. She is also on staff at Encompass Rehab Hospital. Prior to this she worked in private practice in outpatient clinics as well as acute inpatient rehab. Dr. Anand was part of a PM&R medical practice in Queens, New York, before her move to Pittsburgh.

Webinar: Medical Marijuana and CBD: Expanding Acceptance and Use by Physicians

Webinar Abstract: Over the past few years there has been an increased interest in the role of cannabis for treating medical conditions. Attitude towards cannabis has evolved rapidly with the expanding legalization of hemp and medical and recreational marijuana across various states. The variability of cannabis and hemp based products, along with limited research due to schedule 1 classification of marijuana and CBD in the United States has restricted medical professionals’ understanding and acceptance of these products for patient use. These shifts in cannabis use require clinicians to understand conflicting laws, health implications, and therapeutic possibilities. An adequate understanding of both legal and clinical issues is essential for optimal intervention.

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