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Update: Connecticut House speaker says final vote on legal weed will happen in special session before end of June (Hartford Courant)
Will Connecticut legalize cannabis tonight? Democratic legislative leaders remain confident but Republicans want the bill to be taken up later in a special session. Here’s what we know about the bill Connecticut’s Governor is calling the “model” for U.S. cannabis legislation. There’s also good cannabis news to report for Louisianans and NFL athletes, today at 2 PM CST!
0:00 – Start of Show
1:55 – Vermont becomes first state to legalize limited possession of buprenorphine (VT Digger)
3:12 – Connecticut Governor Says Senate-Approved Marijuana Legalization Bill Will Be ‘Model’ For U.S. As House Prepares To Vote (Marijuana Moment)
19:54 – Testing People For Marijuana Impairment Based On THC Levels Is ‘Not Reliable,’ Federally Funded Study Finds (Marijuana Moment)
25:00 – A New York Prison Locked Men Up For Drugs. Now the Site Will Grow Marijuana (Wall Street Journal)
26:40 – D.C. ‘Shocked’ and ‘Disappointed’ By Biden Move to Uphold Ban On Recreational Cannabis Sales (The Outlaw Report)
36:10 – Louisiana lawmakers vote to end jail time for marijuana use (Associated Press)
40:00 – NFL Funds Marijuana Research As Federal Prohibition ‘Adversely’ Impacts Studies Into Opioid Alternative For Players (Marijuana Moment)
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