4 things I wish I knew when I started farming hemp – Hemp Farming Quickie #7


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Anytime you try to do something new, there is a learning curve. In this video, I am wanting to tell you 4 things I wish I knew before I got into the industry.

1. Farming is risky. You don’t know what the weather will do, what the market will do, and selling the product is not always easy.

2. Farming is hard work. There is a decent amount of outdoor physical labor. In addition, networking and marketing is also part of the job and can be difficult work.

3. You need to be patient with your ROI. It isnt like other jobs where you get paid immediately for what you do. It could take some time to actually sell your product.

4. Understand the hemp market. Prices fluctuate, and it is important to have a good read on supply and demand because this will dictate the price of your crop.

Farming hemp can be very rewarding, but it can also be risky. Make sure you know what you are getting into before you begin.

Check out this book for more information on starting a successful hemp farm: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085GJGGGV

This video will teach you how to farm hemp and the best hemp farming practices. Hemp is also known as cannabis and is grown outdoors (sometimes indoors) in a dry climate. It is becoming a larger part of agriculture.

In our farm vlog, we will teach how to grow cannabis and proper hemp cultivation including hemp harvest for CBD at the end of the season. Good luck on your hemp grow!

For more hemp farming videos, visit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOm8PX6TW7e_woAWGR5ymtFmmVPpm5bVa

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4 things I wish I knew when I started farming hemp

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