Can CBD Make You Fail a Drug Screen? How To Detoxify From Cannabis? Doctor Jack Episode 10


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In this video we continue the CBD education and look at considerations of taking CBD and drug screens. We dive in to the process of drug screens as well as close with detoxification myths and what works. Join me!

Thank you for checking out this video! You are awesome! I am Doctor Jack, a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain management physician in practice since 2008. My goal is to have fun while educating on all things health, wellness, and medical related. The goal is to thrive in life and not just survive. I hope you enjoy the content! Be kind, keep everything in perspective, and stay safe! Pura Vida!!!

Please be sure to ***LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and hit the NOTIFICATION bell*** for future content. Please share this video with anyone that you might think would benefit from this information. I will be posting more videos focusing on topics related to health and wellness. I plan on posting weekly on average, typically on a Sunday.

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Time Stamps
0:00 Introduction
2:26 Drug Screen Details
5:12 Considerations When Starting CBD
8:11 Detoxification
11:02 Important Summary

***List of CBD videos and order I suggest watching them*** – My opinion as a pain physician on CBD and introduction to the channel – How Safe is CBD? – What Makes a High-Quality CBD? – How CBD Works – What’s the Best Way to Take CBD? Oral vs Inhaled vs Sublingual vs Transdermal.–XFINy_-Q CBD Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum vs Isolate. What’s the Difference?

The CBD I use and trust is Green Compass. – What Medicine Has Taught Me About Life. A personal journey that has shown me perspective in life. – Things you should know about colon cancer.

The content in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical consultation for diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general educational purposes only and does not replace a discussion with your own doctor or healthcare professional.

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